Senin, 21 Oktober 2013


     SMA XAVERIUS 1 merupakan sekolah terbaik di Palembang dan difavoritkan oleh setiap siswa menengah pertama dan masuk ke tahapan sma di SMA XAVERIUS 1. SMA XAVERIUS 1 telah didirikan oleh Frater Monfort, BHK (L. F. J. Nienhuis) pada tanggal 15 Juli 1951. Letak SMA XAVERIUS 1 awalnya berada di Jalan Talang Jawa 4 yang sekarang telah berganti nama menjadi Jalan Kolonel Atmo. Kemudian tahun 1953, SMA XAVERIUS 1 berpindah ke Jalan Bangau no.60 hingga sekarang.

     Tidak hanya itu, SMA XAVERIUS 1 dahulu terbagi menjadi 2, yakni SMA XAVERIUS 1 putra dan SMA XAVERIUS 1 putri. SMA XAVERIUS 1 memiliki 11 kepala sekolah. Kepala sekolah sejak tahun 1951 hingga sekarang:
  1. Frater Monfort, BHK (1951 – 1953)
  2. Pastor Joseph Soudant, SCJ (1953 – 1956)
  3. Pastor Johannes Goeman, SCJ (1956 – 1961)
  4. Bapak Drs. FS. Bandiman (1961 – 1966)
  5. Bapak NM. Soenarli, BA (1966 – 1972)
  6. Bapak Drs. T. Soedadi (1972 – 1987)
  7. Bapak AK. Kinardi, B.Sc. (1987 – 1991)
  8. Bapak Y. Sitohang, BA (1991 – 2001)
  9. Bapak Drs. I. Sukendro (2001 – 2006)
  10. Bapak Drs. Y. Susilo (2006 – 2010)
  11. Ibu Dra. Lucia Chia (2010-sekarang)

     SMA XAVERIUS 1 SEKOLAH TERBAIK DI PALEMBANG karena banyak prestasi yang telah diwujudkan di sekolah ini. Hal tesebut diantaranya adalah beberapa olimpiade yang diikuti di tingkat Nasional maupun Internasional oleh siswa/siswi berprestasi di SMA XAVERIUS 1 seperti: 
I. Tingkat Internasional 

1. Joshua Aristo Nathaniel - Medali Emas OSN Komputer tahun 2011 di Manado
- Sedang mengikuti persiapan Olimpiade Komputer tingkat  tahun 2012
2. Almira Zada - Mengikuti pertukaran pelajar Jenesys Short Program 2011 ke Jepang
3. Brigitta Jacob - Mengikuti homestay selama 1 tahun ( Agustus 2011 - Juli 2012) Program YES 

ke Amerika.
2. Tingkat Nasional (Juni 2011 - Desember 2011)

1. Muhammad Badzli. F
- Medali Perunggu OSN Fisika tahun 2011 di Manado

- Juara II Kompetisi Fisika tahun 2011 di UNSRI
2. Michael - Medali Perunggu OSN Ekonomi tahun 2011 di Manado
- Juara Umum Kompetisi Ekonomi tingkat Nasional tahun 2011 di UGM.

- Juara II Kompetisi Ekonomi tingkat Propinsi tahun 2011 di UNSRI
- Juara I Kompetisi Ekonomi TSM tahun 2011
3. Voren - Juara Umum Kompetisi Ekonomi tingkat Nasional tahun 2011di UGM.

- Juara II Kompetisi Ekonomi tingkat Propinsi tahun 2011 di UNSRI
- Juara I Kompetisi Ekonomi TSM tahun 2011
4. Theodora Inez. J - Juara Umum Kompetisi Ekonomi tingkat Nasional tahun 2011di UGM. 

5. David Brendi, - Medali Perak Olimpiade Ilmu Sosial (OIS) tahun 2011 di UI Jakarta 
6. Alinda Meigantria 
7. Yulita Sari 
8. Cindy Louis - Juara I Kompetisi Ekonomi TSM di Jakarta
9. Michelle - Juara II Lomba Akuntansi tahun 2011 Universitas Trisakti Jakarta 
10. Jessica 
11. Inggrid Sugita Halim 
12 Kristianto Wirawan - Semifinalis Kompetisi 
13. Kevin Eka .P 
14. Gilbert Mathew Matematika Univeristas Katolik Parhyangani
- Finalis Kompetisi Matematika thn. 2011 di UGM
15. Kevin Janiardy - Juara II Kompetisi Fisika di UNSRI 

16. Laura Fransisca. C
17. Catri A - Juara I Lomba Akuntansi di UNSRI 

18. Michael 
19. Nopriansyah 
20. Fenisia T - Juara II Lomba Akuntansi 
21. Jessica
22. Stevanus A
23. Yunike - Finalis Lomba Kimia di UNSRI

24 Jesslyn Kwang
25. Clarissa Keke - Juara 3 Lomba Baca Puisi 2011 Tk. Kota Palembang
26. TIM Basket Putra - Juara I tingkat kota Palembang
27. David Brendi - Juara I Lomba Matematika Ekonomi 

28. Alinda di ST Musi Palembang
29. Jessica - Juara 2 Lomba debat Ekonomi berbahasa Inggris 
30. TIM Paduan Suara - Juara I tingkat kota Palembang

  1. Herry Kwee, Wakil Indonesia dalam IPhO (Internasional Physic Olimpiade) di Australia 1994
  2. Hendra Kwee, Wakil Indonesia dalam IPhO (Internasional Physic Olimpiade) di Kanada 1997
  3. Yudistira Virgus, Meraih mendali Perunggu dalam IPhO (Internasional Physic Olimpiade) di Taiwan 2003
  4. Yudistira Virgus, Meraih Mendali Emas di APhO (Asian Physic Olimpiade) di Bangkok 2003
  5. Yudistira Virgus, meraih medali emas di IPhO (International Physic Olimpiade) di Pohang, Korea Selatan, 2004.
  6. Ali Sucipto, meraih Honorable Mention dalam APhO (Asia Physic Olimpiade) di Vietnam, 2004.
  7. Ali Sucipto, meraih Honorable Mention di IPhO (International Physic Olimpiade) di Pohang, Korea Selatan, 2004.
  8. Ali Sucipto, meraih Emas dalam IPhO (International Physic Olimpiade) di Salamanca, Spanyol, 2005.

Terdapat juga beberapa fasilitas sekolah yang digunakan sebagai sarana untuk belajar mengajar di kelas. Fasilitas tersebut di SMA XAVERIUS 1 SEKOLAH TERBAIK DI PALEMBANG yaitu:
1. Ruang Kelas
2. Laboratorium ( Fisika, Biologi, Kimia, Bahasa, IPS, Komputer dan Seni )
3. Perpustakaan
4. Lapangan Olahraga ( Sepakbola, Bola Volly, Basket & Lintasan Lari )
5. Jaringan Internet dan Hot Spot
6. Parkir Kendaraan Bermotor
7. Atrium Yohanes Paulus II
8. Kantin dan Fotocopy
9. Ruang Pertemuan
10.Ruang Bimbingan & Konseling
11.Ruang Ekstrakulikuler
12.Ruang OSIS / PPSK
13.Ruang Komite Sekolah
14.Klinik Kesehatan
15.Pelayanan Bank

     Ada juga berbagai Ekstrakurikuler yang diadakan untuk menunjang bakat dan minat siswa SMA XAVERIUS 1 seperti :
1. Basket
2. Marching band
3. Pencita alam
6. Gardening
7. PMR
8. Komputer analisis
9. Teater
10.Sepak bola
11. Koperasi
12. Jurnalistik
13. Futsal
14. Fotografi
15. Band
16. Pramuka
17. Voli
18. Taekwondo
19. Koor Gereja
20. Seni lukis
21. Paduan suara
22. Bahasa Jerman
23. KIR Biologi
24. KIR Kimia
25. KIR Fisika

Untuk mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut mengenai SMA XAVERIUS 1 SEKOLAH TERBAIK DI PALEMBANG , anda dapat mengunjungi website SMA XAVERIUS 1 SEKOLAH TERBAIK DI PALEMBANG di atau menghubungi melalui telepon +62711 358 005 dan mengunjungi langsung SMA XAVERIUS 1 SEKOLAH TERBAIK DI PALEMBANG di Jalan Bangau No.60/1258 Palembang.


Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013

Social Issue in Indonesia : Poverty

Hello guys! Today, we’re gonna tell you about social issue in Indonesia. Indonesia is a developing country with a lot of social issues, like unemployment, corruption, poorness(poverty), racism, social inequality,  crime, etc. But, we’re going to tell you about poverty issue in Indonesia.

Poverty is a situation where there is an inability to fulfill basic needs like food, clothes, a shelter place, education and health. This is actually a global issue.  But, some countries have been able to reduce poverty in their countries, as mimimum as possible. But, the rate of poverty in Indonesia has reached 14.15%  of  the total population in Indonesia. Of course, this is not only surprising us, but also making us worry. Because Indonesia is a country with so many natural resources so it just don’t make a sense why there are so many poor people in Indonesia.

Poverty in Indonesia is caused by:

1.     Corruption
Someone is called a corruptor (person who do corruption) when he takes money or something that is not his. Well, this word is mostly used for public servant who takes country’s fund. Corruption that is done by public servant in Indonesia makes Indonesia’s poor citizen can’t be helped by the country.

2.     Criminalization
Actually, this one is complicated. Criminalization can be done by poor people to fulfill their daily needs but this can be done by lazy people who don’t want to trouble theirself with work. Not only that, unemployment can also do this for some reasons, like they are desperate because they can’t find any job even though they have no more money to fulfill their needs.

3.     Unemployment
There are a lot of people in Indonesia who still remain unemploy because of so many reasons. This might be because there are not enough job opportunities in Indonesia, their low level of education, etc.

4.     Low work motivation

5.     The low quality of natural resources

6.     The distribution of income is uneven

7.     The low level of education, etc.

We have find the solution as fast as possible and we have to help each other so we can reduce the poverty in Indonesia. The government should help to. The government has to be firm with the corruptor, they have to be given a very heavy punishment. The government and us, we all have to help each other to give more education to the ones who need, to help them get a better medical support, etc. Because, they need us, they need our help, they are hungry, they are sick, they are cold, they are lonely.

This is going to be our last article because our integrative task is over. Thank you for supporting us and thank you for always reading our articles. We hope you like our articles. 

Jumat, 17 Mei 2013

The Condition of Education in Indonesia

Hello guys! Today, we're back with a new topic. We are going to tell you about education issue in Indonesia. The condition of education in Indonesia at this moment is quite worrying. This is because many children can not have an education like the other children. They have lost the time for playing or going to school because they are forced to work to support the economic conditions of their families. Moreover, the crime of corruption is very wide circulation in Indonesia could also lead to a decrease level of education in Indonesia. In fact, the Indonesian government has issued funds for educational expenses, quite large actually, but the outcome of the big funds have not been satisfactory. Is not yet satisfactory because there are still many schools damaged and nearly collapsed.

          Not only that, the case of brawl, free sex and drugs that led the students also proved that there is a lack of moral message in Indonesian education.

           Therefore, the government should increase the free school to help children who are unable to attend school. In addition, the government should use the great funds for education to the fullest extent, for example:
1. Use the fund to build a school or repair damaged schools
2. Provide facilities, such as: tables, chairs and computers to schools in need.
3. Improve the quality of teachers.

          If the education funds can be used for the things like the above, the quality of education in Indonesia will increase. Not only that, teachers and the school should increase the moral message in teaching so things like free sex, brawls and drugs not going to ensnare students. Thank you for reading this post, please wait for another issue we will post later.

Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013


Hello guys! Today, we are going to tell you about environmental issues in Indonesia.  Well, we guess you have known that the environment is something that’s really important for us.  But, most of us are likely being so ignorant about this. The environment in Indonesia has much problem. One of the problems is air pollution. As we have known, the level of air pollution in Indonesia is very high. This problem caused by human. There are so many things that causing air pollution, like smoke from burning leaf/garbage  , the waste of industrial smoke, the smoke of cigarette, and of course the emission gas of motor vehicles. For further explanation let us show you some pictures.

The smoke of burned garbage is one of the most affecting factors that caused the air pollution. Because the smoke of burned garbage consist of so many bad particles and It can cause many diseases. The smoke makes us hard to breath, hard to see, and it also makes the soil becoming infertile.

The waste of industrial smoke

The smoke of cigarette causes the air pollution, diseases, and also damages the environment

The emission gas of motor vehicles is the biggest cause of air pollution. Because, this day, there are so many people who use motor vehicle.

The things I have mentioned this time is only some of the cause of the air pollution. There are still so many things that are causing the air pollution, whether it is done by human or by nature. So, we hope, you guys who read this post can reduce the air pollution in your own ways. But, we can give you some advices, like you don’t have to use your motor vehicle to go to somewhere near, instead you can use your bicycle or you can also walk. And then, please stop burning the forest illegally! It is not only causing the air pollution, but it is prohibited by law! You can be jailed because of it!  For the owners of industry companies, please do something with the waste. For example, you can recycle it. So, this is our second post, we hope this article will be able to help reducing the air pollution because it can damage our environment, If our environment is damaged, what about the next generation?  This is all we know and all we can do to help reducing the air pollution. We hope this post is a great help for you and please wait for another issue we will tell you in the next post.
                                                                                                                                                                  Created By:
Angga Budiman(04)
Joshefa Didi(18)
Ray Ade(31)

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013


Indonesia’s Temple
      Hello guys! Today, I want to talk about unique characteristic of Indonesia. When we hear about unique characteristic of Indonesia, I’m sure that we’ll think about different things. Because, Indonesia is a great country with so many unique characteristic, Like batik, its beaches, its traditional dances, its traditional music instruments, its temples, etc. When you hear the word “Batik”, I’m sure that most of you have already known it. Indonesia is popular with its batik, and many foreigners like batik. But, as for me, my heart has been captured by Indonesia’s temples. Indonesia's temples are really beautiful.
     We can find so many Indonesia’s temples in Sumatera Island and Java Island. One of the most well known temples in Indonesia is Borobudur Temple in Magelang, Central Java. It used to be one of the seven wonders.
   Borobudur temple was made by King Samaratungga, the king of Sriwijaya Kingdom. The shape of Borobudur temple is stupa and it consists of 6 square terrace and 3 circular yard. Inside the stupa, there is Buddha statue. There are so many beautiful and elegant carving in the temple’s wall. Like carving of Kings, carving of angels, etc. This is some pictures of Borobudur temple.

This is all I know about  Borobudur Temple. I hope you enjoy this post and please wait for another amazing things I will post later

Written by     : Henny Huang
                             Joshefa Didi Y
                             Angga Budiman
                             Ray Ade Mateus